Mountain Biker: Privacy Policy

Mountain Biker is published by Escape Velocity Limited and developed by Escapist Games Limited. Any data we store on you is managed by Escapist Games Limited, and we take your privacy seriously.

Our goal is to create a great gaming experience, while using the minimum of your personal data. Modern gamers expect a certain amount of interaction between their own game and that of other players. Our goal is to provide this experience while storing as little information as possible on the player.

With that in mind, Mountain Biker does use some of your data to enhance the game-play experience for yourself and other players. We access your already public gaming profile data, including a name (alias, nickname, tag, etc.), friends list & image (photo, avatar, etc.). For example we:

  • Create challenges for players based on each others scores
  • Track your best score in trail leaderboards
  • Notify players of when a score is beaten
  • Adorn trails with data on the trail creator (name and image)
  • Any and all data we collect is used solely to enhance your and other player's game experience. We do not sell, trade, share or otherwise distribute your data to 3rd parties.

    There are a couple of practical exceptions to the above general rule of sharing of your data:

  • We share achievements & leaderboard data with your online gaming profile servers
  • We store the minimum of your data on our own servers which are located with a 3rd party - our hosting provider
  • We would comply with any legal requirements to share your data with authorities (not that we can think of any way this would realistically be required or how your gaming profile would ever be relevant).
  • You are welcome to contact us to have your personal data removed. We will endeavour to do so within a reasonable time-frame. But please note that doing so will remove scores, trails and other user generated content within the game. It may even effect premium content you have unlocked in the game.

    Our hope is that you will enjoy your gaming experience, and trust that your data is both safe and minimally used.


    The Mountain Biker Team.
    Valid as of 26th November 2015

    * Please note that this Privacy Policy only relates to the official live version of the game downloaded from an official App Store. BETA and / or other unofficially released versions may use and store different information, but the data for these versions are also cleared / reset far more regularly.